Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ian Curtis: FUCK YOU!

I love a lot of musicians who died at far too young an age. Lennon. Hendrix. Cobain. Jim Morrison. Robert Johnson. Buddy Holly. Otis Redding. Marvin Gaye. The list goes on. However, when someone is revered SIMPLY BECAUSE HE/SHE DIED, that, my friend is a heap of big, steamy, hairy, bullshit. I am of course referring to Ian Curtis, the phenomenally untalented lead singer/songwriter of the despicable post-punk band Joy Division. Ian Curtis proved that one good song ("Love Will Tear Us Apart") and killing yourself at 22 makes a rock icon. This completely ignores the fact that he invented the worst, most utterly painful, kind of talk-singing known to man. And that the songs he wrote often didn't have a rhyme scheme or a chord sequence. It wasn't music. It was pretentious bullshit. When Curtis killed himself, the remaining members reformed as New Order who were in fact a pretty good synth pop band. But hipsters hate them because they didn't have Ian Curtis. Joy Division also sucks because they're the kind of band that really "sensitive" kids with acoustic guitars would love to play and sing the songs of. And I can't think of anything more puke-inducing. And that makes Ian Curtis asshole of the week.

The playlist is anything made by anyone other than Joy Division, and to piss off Joy Division fans, any New Order record.